Monday, March 30, 2009

My friend is getting married to the wrong guy

Dear Caitlin,my second cosin and me are good friends(she is about 10 years older than I)and she is thinking of marring this guy he is alright and christian But I feel in my heart she can do better. Should I tell her? she really likes him. I just not what to spoil her dreams
from, O D,

Dear O D,
Ooh, that’s tough. My first instinct is that you shouldn’t tell her. Not unless she asks you. But I suppose if you’ve prayed about it, and honestly sense that God is telling you to warn her…well, I would still proceed with caution. I’ve learned that if someone isn’t asking for advice, they usually don’t want it, and they may resent it and you when they get it. The most important thing may be for you to continue being her friend. And, who knows, maybe she’ll ask.

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