Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I've got a crush on a boy

Dear Caitlin,
i've kinda had a crush on this guy for a while. he's a really strong christian and i've known him for almost my whole life. the thing is, i know i'm too young to even conisder dating but what's a girl to do? i don't want to have a crush and life was so much easier when i didn't have a crush. what can i do to get rid of these feelings? do you have an idea?
from, T

Dear T,
I know what you mean. Like once you get a crush it seems like there’s no getting rid of it. My only suggestion is that you use this crush as a reminder to you that God wants you to love him with that kind of passion and commitment. God wants to be your main crush. He wants you to be so focused on him that you find yourself thinking about him throughout the day. As a result, your crush on this guy will become a lot more manageable. And you won’t get hurt so badly in the end. Because the sad truth is that most girls do get hurt when they get a “crush” on a guy. Their hearts usually get crunched. Guess that’s why we call it a crush.

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