Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mission trip fears

Dear Caitlin,
My mom wants me to go on a mission trip with my church when im 16,but i dont want to go to Honduras because #1.I dont want to get 50million shots #2.I cant bear to see all those starving,naked,sick little kids #3 Im not a very good missionary.Im already struggeling at home as it is.But she wont give in.How can I convince her to let me stay at home?

Dear “Hopeless,”
Wow, that’s a tough one. I would think that if you seriously do NOT want to go, she wouldn’t want to force you. Maybe you need to bring in a third person to help you make your point. Do you have a youth pastor or someone who can understand and respect your fear and hesitation? It’s my experience that if God wants you to do something like that (where you’re really laying down your life for others) he gives you the desire to want it too. It’s like being a cheerful giver. If you can’t serve in Honduras with a happy heart, why go? It wouldn’t be a very sincere witness anyway.

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